14 January . 2016
From Sipping Lattes to Finding Their Forever Family Home
“Originally, I came here for the lattes at Caffé D’arte,” said Lisa Peterson. “But then it was like, wait! There’s this incredible community here. I walked the gorgeous trails, I met the amazing people here, and I was hooked!”
For Lisa and her family, easy access to the outdoors is a big part of Tehaleh’s appeal. “There’s a greenbelt behind our house, and I can literally walk out my front door and be on the trailhead in what feels like seconds,” she said. “And our very own Mt. Rainier staring back at you never gets old.”
Lisa and her husband of 20 years, Eric, have always loved the outdoors, so it’s no surprise a favorite part of their home is the outdoor living space. “We sit around the fireplace at night and listen to the sounds of owls and other wildlife.”
It didn’t take long to feel like they belonged at Tehaleh. “After only a couple weeks, I already felt like our neighbors were looking out for us,” she said. “They know us and are really invested in who we are as people.” “In other neighborhoods we’ve lived in, people hardly left their homes, except to take out the garbage!” she said.
When not walking the trails, Lisa and her family take full advantage of the other activities available in Tehaleh. Her daughter plays softball, leading to family practices on the baseball field, located at Donald Eismann Elementary, in the heart of the community. Birds, deer and herds of elk can be seen in their natural environment along the walking trails. Whenever Lisa and the family are out walking, they always end at The Post, where even the dog is welcome.
“I love that The Post is dog-friendly, and we can bring her in with us instead of having to leave her outside,” said Lisa. “She’s spoiled rotten now; she knows there’s always a biscuit waiting for her there.”
Lisa and her husband were ready for a long-term commitment when they began looking for their next house. “We were hoping to find the home that will take us into retirement and just knew this was the one.”