05 February . 2019
Here Comes the Rain! 3 Fun Activities for Indoor Days
Washington winter weather is upon us once again and with it comes the certainty of rain and perhaps an occasional snow day, meaning lots of quality time spent inside with the kids. While these family stay-cations can sometimes feel formidable (especially for outdoor-loving Tehaleh residents), they’re a perfect opportunity to explore your creativity! Here are a few fun activities you can share with your children that require nothing more than common household supplies and a sprinkle of imagination.
2 Ingredient Snow Dough
As every parent knows, preschoolers have seemingly limitless energy and, when playing outside isn’t an option, benefit greatly from a physical outlet. Play dough is always a crowd-pleaser, but for a cute twist on this sensory classic, why not try making Snow Dough? Simply mix one box (about 16 oz.) of baking soda with 5oz. of white hair conditioner in a bowl. The result is a cloud-like, pliable, and freshly-washed-hair smelling dough! It’s easier to sweep up than standard play dough and reusable when stored in a sealed container. Add a drop or two of food coloring for another level of fun.
Bring the Story to Life
What could be more fun at story time than a project that takes the story off the page and into the real world? Jack and the Beanstalk is a popular tale (that can easily be found online if you don’t own the book) with many imaginative possibilities. After reading the story, start your own beanstalk by placing some wet paper towels and a few dried beans at the bottom of a glass jar and set on a sunny window sill. Chart the progress of your magic beanstalk as it springs to life!
Create Your Own World
Terrariums are an excellent way to experience the wonder of nature while being stuck inside –and are a seriously cool landscape for toy figurines to explore. They can be made from old aquariums or fishbowls, unsealed mason jars or pretty much anything your imagination can dream up. All you need is some potting soil and either cuttings from houseplants or greenery found along the Tehaleh trails. Succulents are a great choice for terrariums you plan on nurturing, as they root quickly and have an interesting prehistoric look. Helping your child plant the clippings, as they design the terrarium to their specifications, is a unique bonding activity and will give them a joyful sense of ownership as they watch their creation take shape.
Are you interested in joining our family-friendly and creative community? Stop by our Visitor Headquarters, The Post, or make an appointment to speak with one of our Tehaleh Ambassadors. They are all community residents ready to answer any questions you may have!