09 November . 2021
Keeping Tehaleh Eventful
For many years, the wonderful folks in Tehaleh have been bringing their kids, friends, and family to participate in events like Reading Circle, Movies in the Park, and – most recently – Oktoberfest. Despite the unpredictable circumstances during these past two years, Tehaleh’s fantastic events team has, against the odds, kept the show on the road. And much like the road toward Rainier, there’s a whole lot to look forward to.
Reading Circle
Think back to when The Post was packed with dozens of kids, parents, and even dogs… that vibrant and wildly energetic Wednesday was something to look forward to each and every week. Tehaleh’s events manager would gather everyone around, reading several stories, keeping the crowd entertained, and allowing parents those priceless moments to sit back, relax and chat with friends.
Reading Circle’s quick success helped bring more Tehaleheans together. It was a way to witness a new generation learning and growing and whew, when Reading Circle comes back, it will have felt like a millennium has passed. That audience is a couple grades older now, likely carrying their own new stories. But in due time parents will soon enough be able to join their kids back in storyland for a midweek breather.
Through the tough times
When 2020 put a lid on face-to-face events, there were adjustments the events team had to make. Through the internet, social media, email, Zoom, FaceTime, and more – the yearning to stay connected meant there would need to be flexibility and creativity to do so. There were unique touches the team put together: bringing in food trucks to help during those early days of isolation and virtual events that parents and kids in Tehaleh would love. There were concerts, comedy shows, virtual tours of museums and national parks, even colleges providing free lectures.
The myriad choices helped people stay afloat in a challenging time. By introducing family-focused entertainment, education, and most importantly – some peace of mind – the events team was able to fuel the spirit of Tehaleh despite the rough seas.
Up to now
Over the summer, Movies In The Park brought fantastic stories to Tehaleh. Harry Potter, Luca, and – a PNW favorite – Harry and the Hendersons...all stole the spotlight. Seeing these movies on a giant inflatable screen and plenty of open air with room for social distancing: that was one way to get people out and about during Washington’s brightest season. Plus, the thrill of seeing a movie onscreen brings back that unique and special greatness that’s hard to find on an iPad or TV screen. Add in a picnic and blankets? It’s a summer staple.
Tehaleh really got back into the swing of things with its Oktoberfest celebration. Several thousand people visited and experienced the joyful all-ages events. There were large inflatables, a bouncy house, an obstacle course, a vendor village, a beer garden, and even a German accordion player playing ‘Oompah.’ Tehaleh practically became a small village in the Alps for a weekend.
Oktoberfest’s cheer was a welcome sign for things on the horizon.
What’s to come
As the holidays and winter approach, Tehaleh has a little something up its sleeve. For one, the Turkey Trot and Squat is a likely returning event for those who enjoy running and exercising before indulging on the plentiful options of Thanksgiving Day. This race incorporates a ‘cross-train’ to break a sweat by including squats, burpees, pushups, and running. Hop to it if you’re looking to have the best post-meal snooze of the year.
Rainier’s snow has already begun to return in blankets after its sizzling summer. Returning to its many snowy adventures is surely on your to-do list. Snowshoeing, cross country skiing, sledding, and downhill skiing are predicted to be at their peak this winter season so be sure to get prepped early!
Plus, Santa will be around to take photos with the little ones once Christmas season comes around. And there will be live, actual reindeer! See if you can figure out which is Donner, Blitzen, Dasher, Prancer, Dancer, Comet, Cupid, Vixen, aaaaaand…there’s one more? Hmmm…it’s on the tip of my nose…Ricky? No, that’s not it. It’ll come back to me.
Tehaleh’s festive season returns in all its communal glory, photo ops and all!
If you’re a fan of family-centered fun and games and you want to become a part of Tehaleh’s cornucopia of amazing events then we’d love to show you the Tehaleh experience. Get in touch today!