18 October . 2021
Tehaleh Fit Tips for Winter
It’s one thing to hike through the trails or play pickleball on a warm summer day, but it’s quite another to get outside in the winter when the wind chill makes you gasp, and it’s dark long before you believe it should be. Just like most people, Tehaleh homeowners have to choose their winter fitness path, but at least they know it’s a little easier to get motivated when surrounded by beauty and friends.
Goals are great
Pick something you like to do and stick with it. Make a plan, write it down and remember what it feels like to be fit. When you are tempted to stay on the couch wrapped in your favorite blankie, remember how great you felt last summer when it didn’t hurt to bend over, and you enjoyed the fact you could see your feet when you stood up. Tehaleh has several year-round fitness groups for those who want the extra stimuli that jealousy spurs, or have the misery loves company attitude and will only exercise with people who are in worse shape than you are.
Stretch it out
Your muscles, not your pants.
Mix it up
Let’s face it, Tehaleh is a great place to be in the winter. Here are a few ideas that homeowners in the community have done to benefit their mind and body and help make winter fun!
• Raking leaves (tell your kids it's fun)
• Shoveling snow (again, tell your kids it's fun)
• Sledding (have a sledding party)
• Cross-country skiing
• Build a snowman
• Do an indoor fitness class
• Host some cooking lessons (serve wine, everyone will come)
• Turn stairwells into Mount Everest (your parents already think they are anyway)
• Invite the neighbors over for homemade soup
• Cook homemade soup
• Practice hygge
Whatever you decide to do this winter to stay warm and keep fit, knowing that you are doing it in your new home in Tehaleh makes everything better.