15 June . 2022
5 Amazing Runs and Bikes Around Tehaleh
Now that our warmer (and sunnier) days are upon us – when Mt. Rainier is painted up against blue skies – getting a walk, bike, or run in whenever you have the chance is one of the greatest perks about life in Tehaleh. Does this mean getting up extra early, taking long lunch breaks, and cutting your workday down to fit an active schedule? Absolutely. The mountain requires it. And your heart will love it.
Work life balance, R&R, nature’s therapy…call it what you will. Taking a purposeful jaunt along the streets, trails, and parks in the neighborhood provides some of the best workout activity you can find. Plus, no gym memberships required. Feel free to bike, run, and walk these routes.
Let’s take a look at five great routes right in the neighborhood!
Easy Does It
Need a quick morning walk with the pup, but have an hour or so before a meeting? This is the quick and easy route for you. Drop in at Hounds Hollow along the way or do a couple extra laps around Discovery Park. Grab a coffee at Caffe D’Arté afterward to keep the day bounding along with energy.
Distance: 2.64 mi
Elevation gain: 125 ft
Route: https://www.mapmyrun.com/routes/view/5038601878/
Up North
Exploring Hawks Landing in the North end of Tehaleh or taking a peek at what’s to come can be an excellent route to see how things are moving along. Ideal for those days when you want to get training for a 5k or use it to run up against your personal best. Plus, if you’re looking for a great walk and talk, this is a stroll by several parks like The Edge, Hawks Landing, and Sprouts Holler.
Distance: 3.55 mi
Elevation gain: 120 ft
Route: https://www.mapmyrun.com/routes/view/5038608193
Runflection Loop
Need some more hills and a little extra somethin’ at the halfway point? Take a jog to Reflection Park to get that blood flowing. The light intensity climb at the beginning of this route will get your heart rate going right off the bat so you can have a great cardio walk or an endurance testing run throughout. Take on the exercise equipment at the park to build upper body and core strength. Go for two laps if you’re feeling like a 7 miler is in the cards.
Distance: 3.5 mi
Elevation gain: 141 ft
Route: https://www.mapmyrun.com/routes/view/5038618624
The Long Wander
This out and back running trail gives you the option of turning around whenever you’d like. If you’re tired out from a loop trail and all the directions you have to remember, an easygoing out and back will be an ideal switch for you. Since this one is a bit longer, it can be a solid stretch for a biking route. The downhill and uphill section midway will provide that leg burner you’re looking for too.
Distance: 6.60 mi
Elevation: 448 ft
Route: https://www.mapmyrun.com/routes/view/5038624216/
All Over Teh-Place
Want to hit every corner of Tehaleh and sleep like a baby at the end of the day? This is going to be your new favorite long route for those Saturday and Sunday long runs. It’s one of those routes where your neighbors will go do their errands for an hour or two and come back and see that you’re still out and about. Does this guy ever stop moving? Work your way up to this one or call it your new goal distance.
Distance: 9.6 mi
Elevation: 701 ft
Route: https://www.mapmyrun.com/routes/view/5038641280/
Want to find your new favorite route in Tehaleh? Get in touch with us and we’ll connect you with a Tehaleh ambassador who would love to show you around our little neck of the woods.