29 November . 2022
8 Holiday Movies That Capture the PNW Vibe
Since Washington is known as the Evergreen state it shouldn’t be a surprise that it is one of the largest producers of Christmas trees in the US. Actually, Oregon outpaces Washington in tree farms, but combined they’re really tying together the holiday spirit.
Together the two states have over 50,000 acres of tree farms that produce over 5 million trees every year. And they’re quality trees, too! If you grew up elsewhere in the United States you may remember the pine needles collecting on the floor around the tree – and by January 1st, you were lucky if it was still green. Thanks to the rainy climate and mild winters, the evergreens up here really stay true to their name.
But if the PNW is all about its gorgeous, long-lasting trees where are all the holiday movies based in the area? It seems Minnesota, New York, Chicago, Los Angeles soundstages with fake snow, and our nearby Canadian neighbor, Vancouver, seem to take on much of the silver screen’s holiday representation.
But we’ve found eight perfect holiday movies that truly encompass the PNW vibe during the holidays. Which of these classics will you be adding to your watchlist this season?
The Grinch.
Whoville is a place that may seem very familiar– especially if you take a look at Mt. Rainier on any given day. During a flurry you might find a trillion Whovilles on each snowflake. All those lessons about sharing, caring for your neighbors, and finding the true meaning of the holiday spirit? The kindhearted story is a classic turnaround tale about community and what it means to bring everyone together, no matter the size of your heart.
Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer
A trip out to Rainier Reindeer Farm will get you and the family some quality time with a couple reindeer during their busiest season. After all, if you get to see some of Rudolph’s buddies, that’s a treat unique to this part of the country.
A Charlie Brown Christmas
Snoopy must live in Tehaleh, right? While the setting of Charlie Brown seems to suggest a more Minnesotan scene, the exact location for the Peanuts gang is up for debate. The small town feel and access to the great outdoors is an aspect that ties these two together so well.
The Polar Express
Every now and again out and about in Bonney Lake and Puyallup you might hear the freight train or a Sounder rolling through town. Could the Polar Express really get out here? You bet. The Polar Express doesn’t rely on rail and makes plenty of stops along the way. If you listen closely at night, it could be the Polar Express making its annual Tehaleh stop.
Christmas Vacation
There’s a glimmer of truth in this hyperbolic comedy that has all of us feeling the holiday spirit. Heading out to the National Forest with a permit to cut down your own evergreen? Have family members like Cousin Eddie dropping in unexpectedly? Have a boss that’s been more like Scrooge this year? The multi-faceted experience of the holidays is all jam-packed into this John Hughes classic.
Little Women
Horse drawn carriages may not be the most common sight, but the rolling hills of Little Women’s landscape strikes that PNW appeal. While Boston and New England have a vastly different look than the craggy Cascades to the east, the historical towns around Washington state keep that late 1800s historical look intact.
Jingle All the Way
There’s that one gift that you can’t find anywhere. You’ve been calling for weeks (maybe even months) and you’re starting to wonder if anybody has been able to get it. While you couldn’t get an Amazon delivery in a split-second back in 1996, that pesky “Out of Stock” sign has always been a parent’s biggest holiday anxiety.
Planes, Trains, and Automobiles
For some, getting back home for the holidays seems to be an adventure all on its own. Heading to SeaTac, hopping on a flight, taking a train or rental car to get to see family – while it’s not always like being stuck with a John Candy-like partner on a cross-country trip, there are certainly some wacky voyages that can make you wonder if you’re trying out for a role in this movie’s sequel
Home for the holidays.
As you’re wrapping up your holiday shopping but want to find a gift that’ll last a lifetime, get in touch and we’ll show you the best wrapped gift you can ever give your family – a brand new home in Tehaleh.